How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Healthcare Application?

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Healthcare Application

Healthcare application is software that supports health-related activities like telemedicine, EHR, appointment scheduling, and fitness tracking. It improves health service distribution, patient engagement, and administrative efficiency. The market stats of healthcare applications were 32.92 billion American dollars in the year 2023. who’s expected to grow by 14.9% in 5-6 years. 

In this blog, we will tell you in detail what is the cost of developing a healthcare application and also its types and benefits. 

Let’s start to know with us.

Market Overview

MHealth applications are very in demand these days. Health applications are very useful, and they are used by patients as well as caregivers to access healthcare services. Healthcare services are necessary to create a healthier society, and this can happen when technology is used to create better portals where people can easily get their medicines and medical advice. The MHealth application market was at a valuation of USD 32.92 billion in the year 2023.

The market for mHealth applications is growing at a rate of 14.9 percent in the next five to six years. According to studies, it is clear that 93 percent of health professionals believe that the development of healthcare applications can take the healthcare sector to the next level and improve the quality of healthcare for people.

Importance Of Healthcare Applications

Healthcare applications are very useful as they play an important part in medical care delivery and medicine delivery to users’ doorsteps. MHealth applications are very important because they are used for remote patient care, telemedicine and medicine purchases. Such applications that are used to manage healthcare are also used for hospital administration and better connection between the doctor and the patient.

Healthcare application development companies focus on creating applications that can be used to create better healthcare channels so that people all around the world can get healthcare services easily. The communication between doctors and patients also improves with the help of healthcare applications that are highly targeted towards streamlining the healthcare sector workflow and processes. In a world where the population and patient numbers are increasing, healthcare application development services are implemented in multiple areas of healthcare. A healthcare app development company in the USA  creates applications that manage different processes and needs of patients so that the bottleneck in the healthcare sector with service availability is resolved.

Also Read: The Comprehensive Guide to Healthcare App Development

Types Of Healthcare Applications

Here are the best types of healthcare applications that people use and are most in use for their features. These are the types of healthcare applications that a healthcare app development company in Canada or the USA can create for innovators and clients.

Type of Healthcare ApplicationFor PatientsFor DoctorsFor Healthcare Providers/Organizations
Patient Management SystemsPatient PortalsPractice Management SoftwareHospital Management Systems
Telemedicine AppsTelehealth Consultation AppsRemote Diagnosis and Consultation ToolsVirtual Clinic Platforms
Health and Fitness AppsFitness Tracking, Diet, and Wellness AppsRemote Patient MonitoringPopulation Health Management Tools
Electronic Health Records (EHR)Personal Health Record AccessClinical EHR SystemsEnterprise EHR Systems
Appointment Scheduling AppsDoctor Appointment BookingSchedule Management SystemsIntegrated Scheduling Systems
Medical Reference AppsSymptom Checkers, Medication RemindersDrug Reference, Medical Guidelines, Diagnostic ToolsMedical Knowledge Management Systems
Mental Health AppsMental Health Support, Meditation, Therapy AppsMental Health Assessment ToolsBehavioral Health Management Systems
Chronic Disease Management AppsDiabetes Management, Hypertension TrackingChronic Care Management SolutionsPopulation Health Management
Pharmacy AppsPrescription Refill, Medication Price ComparisonE-Prescribing SystemsPharmacy Management System
Maternity and Parenting AppsPregnancy Tracking, Parenting TipsPrenatal and Postnatal Care ManagementMaternal and Child Health Programs
Emergency Services AppsEmergency Alert Systems, First Aid GuidesEMS Coordination ToolsEmergency Response Management Systems
Health Education and AwarenessHealth Literacy, Disease Information, Preventive TipsContinuous Medical Education (CME)Public Health Education Campaigns
Lifestyle and Wellness AppsStress Management, Sleep Tracking, Nutrition GuidanceHolistic Patient Wellness ToolsWorkplace Wellness Programs
Genetic and Personalized MedicineDNA Analysis, Personalized Health InsightsGenomics Tools, Personalized Treatment PlanningPrecision Medicine Platforms
Rehabilitation AppsPhysical Therapy Guidance, Post-Surgery Recovery SupportRehabilitation Tracking and ManagementRehabilitation Program Management
Insurance and Billing AppsHealth Insurance Management, Claim TrackingBilling and Coding SystemsIntegrated Billing and Revenue Cycle Management

Want to Develop Best Healthcare Mobile Application?

Benefits Of Developing A Healthcare App

Healthcare app development company in Toronto can create features in an application that can give a lot of benefits to the users and doctors who use them. A healthcare application should have multiple benefits which are experienced by the user base. 

Healthcare applications are perfect for creating scope for more patient engagement and access. The healthcare apps create channels that connect the patient with doctors and caregivers so that he can easily resolve his health queries and minor health concerns. The use of health applications can create channels for active participation with the doctors so that the patient is better engaged in his own healthcare plan.

Moreover, healthcare applications are also helpful in managing the internal administration of hospitals and clinics so that patients get efficient delivery of healthcare services. A healthcare application is able to handle and automate processes of patient appointment scheduling and billing. Healthcare applications can help streamline the internal workflow of a hospital so that patients get services at the right time. This also reduces the burden on the administrative staff of a hospital. Healthcare applications are also integrated with electronic healthcare records, which help keep track of the medical health history and the progress of the patient’s treatment. This is beneficial for both the patient and the doctor. 

Healthcare applications are also fitted with features that help with remote patient monitoring. The remote patient monitoring feature helps in real time tracking of patient’s health  so that doctors can take prompt action on a person’s health condition. This allows the doctors to take swift action when the patient really needs medical intervention. It also helps in management of chronic conditions and in patient management for hospitals. 

These are some of the most prominent benefits of using a  online healthcare application and the features are how such applications transform the healthcare sector.

Also Read: Healthcare Application Development | Benefits, Process, Features and Cost

Healthcare Application Development Cost Based On Different Types

  • Telemedicine App

Telemedicine applications are apps where people can connect with doctors and easily get medical advice from qualified doctors through telecommunication channels. This reduces the effort and reach time for people who really need healthcare advice and medical intervention. This is also great for patients who live in remote areas. Telemedicine app development can cost from $50,000 to $200,000, depending on the level of complexity that you want. 

Glance Here for the best Telemedicine app development, click here. The Comprehensive Guide To Telemedicine App Development

  • Wellness Tracking App

Healthcare application development can also go into wellness tracking where the application tracks how your health vitals are performing and what is the current state of wellbeing of the user. The cost of healthcare software development for wellness tracking can go from $30,000 to $100,000

  • Medical Networking App

A medical networking application is one of the healthcare apps that helps connect you to doctors and also creates a community of healthcare professionals for their benefit. A medical networking app on your phone can have a positive impact on the way you access healthcare. The cost of developing a medical networking application is $10,000 to $30,000 in USD. This is one of the easiest healthcare software to develop. 

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) App

An electronic health records application is one that stores all the health records of a patient. The electronic health records are easily accessed and analyzed so that the doctor can track the health progression and suggest treatment plans for the health improvement of the person who has health records it. An EHR app can also be customised for a hospital or clinic to create and manage records of every patient who comes to the hospital. The cost of EHR app development can range from  $50,000 to $150,000

  • Fitness App

A fitness application has multiple features for health tracking and is often used by health enthusiasts and athletes. A fitness app can be downloaded on a phone or a smartwatch and is very useful for people who are health conscious and very driven for their healthcare. The cost to develop a healthcare application in the fitness sector is $100,000 to $500,000

  • E-Prescription App

A prescription application is software that creates prescriptions and manages e-prescriptions created by doctors. It is useful as patients and doctors can access the prescription from anywhere and use it for healthcare needs. An e-prescription application is a good idea if you are trying to build a healthcare app; you can do so through a good software development company. The cost of developing an e-prescription application is $30,000 to $45,000

Cost Breakdown By Healthcare App Development Phases

  • Research and Planning

The research and planning stage is very important as it provides the initial material and idea for investing in healthcare software development. The research and planning stage is where the team of software developers and consultants conduct surveys and research into the niche of healthcare app type that you are trying to develop and then collect data for analysis and complete development of the app idea. The collection of data and analysis can give direction to the healthcare application development process. The research and planning stage is the first stage where the market research and analyst team is involved.

  • Design

The healthcare development team then goes into the design phase after the initial market research is done. The initial data helps the team of comfygen select the target audience for the healthcare app so that the design phase can start. The first step of the design phase is wireframing and creating a roadmap so that the development can follow a plan. The initial prototype and wireframe have the basic features, and then the front-end developers and UI UX designers create the final design layout of the app as it will seem to the user. The design is very important as it determines how people and doctors interact with the app for their benefit.

  • Development

The development phase of the healthcare application is where the backend developers and software development experts of Comfygen collaborate to create the backend architecture and framework to support the front-end features. The backend of the telemedicine app development process is secured with security layers, and it is perfected during the development phase. The code is written by coders and developers of the healthcare app development agency so that the features are functional and high-performance. The development phase fleshes out the whole app functionality and marries the front end with the back end for overall performance.

Read More: How Much Does It Cost to Build a Doctor Appointment Booking App?

  • Testing and Quality Assurance

After the medical app development, the team of testers and software experts work on the project to uphold testing standards and complete the quality assurance standards. The software code and the usability of the front end are tested by software testers and beta testers before the healthcare app is deployed. Comfygen puts a lot of stress on quality assurance and improvement of the application in its MVP form before it is deployed in the market. The testing cycles and tools used help root out inconsistencies and bugs in the software code and features so that minor errors and issues are resolved. This ensures that the app will need less effort for post-deployment support.

  • Deployment and Maintenance

After the fitness and health app development is complete, the application is ready to be deployed in the target market. A good software development company also helps you in marketing the healthcare application to the right target audience. The deployment is done phase by phase so that feedback is collected effectively and initial improvements are made. The application is also given post-deployment support and maintenance so that the application can run with no to minimal issues after its deployment.

  • API Integration

Once the initial app is created and deployed, the application is then improvised, and its features are updated with important API integrations. API integrations can create more features and give people a lot of flexibility in how they use the application for their health needs. The healthcare application development company swiftly integrates the API process.

  • Technology Stack

The cost of the application development process also depends on the technology stack used in the process of healthcare application development. The cost of app development comes from the tools and techniques used. Using open-source tools and free tools can decrease the cost, but for proper development, you need to use premium paid tools. If you need custom healthcare solutions, the cost of development will be higher. The tech stack has to be in line with the security levels and compliance requirements needed to build a healthcare app. The tech stack usually includes front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS, Javascript, etc. React Native, Node.Js and Express.Js are also used to create the back end of the application for cross-platform devices.

Look Now: The Comprehensive Guide To Pharmacy App Development

Factors Influencing Development Costs Of Healthcare Apps

  • Application Complexity

The cost of the healthcare application development can depend heavily on the level of application complexity. The simpler the application and the architecture of the application, the lesser the cost and effort put into healthcare app development.

  • Features and Functionalities

The features and functionalities of the healthcare application also determine the way the cost comes out. The more number of features and more advanced features are incorporated into the application, the higher the cost of healthcare application development.

  • Design and User Experience

The design and user experience of the application decide how well it performs and how popular it becomes. The final cost of health app development also depends on the front end and the user experience design of the application.

  • Integration with Third-Party Systems

The level of integration the healthcare app has with APIs and third-party systems also determines the high cost of healthcare app development for the client.

  • Compliance and Security Requirements

The compliance and security requirements of the healthcare app can be very demanding and a considerable chunk of the development budget can go into ensuring that the app is secure and legally compliant.

Also Read: Features of Doctor Appointment App Development

  • Platform Choice (iOS, Android, Web)

The platform you choose to initially develop the healthcare app for can also be a deciding factor in the cost of healthcare app development. A web app development process will cost less than a native application development process. However, most software development experts suggest getting cross-platform development, which can cost more.

  • Development Team Location and Expertise

The healthcare application development team’s location and expertise also determine the cost you are paying to hire them and maintain them for the project.

Read More: A Complete Guide on Doctor Appointment App Development


If you have decided to build a health app, you are trying to go into a profitable but high-competition sector. When starting a healthcare application development project, choose a company that has expertise in the area and has had multiple projects in the healthcare sector in the past. Understanding the trends and demands of the healthcare application sector is important before embarking on this profitable journey that also has a social impact.


How do we ensure that the healthcare application is compliant with industry standards?

For healthcare application development, the software development team has to focus on meeting the regulations of HIPAA, GDPR, and the health regulations from different states so it is legal to be used across the country.

What are the essential features of a good healthcare application?

Electronic health record integration, appointment scheduling, telemedicine and secure patient profiles are some important features of a modern M Health application.

What are the challenges faced by a software development team during the development of a healthcare app?

The challenges that are present in the healthcare application development can be the meeting multiple security needs, compliance standards and testing the application completely for any latent issues.

How do you ensure that data privacy rules are upheld in a healthcare application?

The data privacy rules can be met by using data encryption techniques, role-based access controls and other features like multifactor authentication of the application access.

What are the best practices to follow for healthcare application development?

The follow up of market research data, and staying true to the industry standards and security protocols can create a very useful and popular app for the audience. Collaboration of the team with stakeholders and thorough testing of the app before deployment is important for a high quality application.