Features of Doctor Appointment App Development

Features of Doctor Appointment App Development

Recent years have seen a visible increase in the creation of apps for doctor appointments. Today, whether they’re being treated in a clinic, hospital, or private practice, many people believe that a medical doctor-on-demand app is critical for any healthcare provider. 

A compound annual growth rate of 12.7% is anticipated for the medical appointment software program industry, bringing the overall value to USD 612.5 million by 2026. The utilization of technology inside the healthcare sector has evolved over time to facilitate self-take care of users. 

Offer a smartphone app for scheduling medical doctor’s appointments in case you like to present your clients with easy access to your services. Uncertain about what to add in on demand doctor appointment app development? Read below to get a clarity on important features to add to Doctor Appointment app:

Mobile Apps for Doctor Appointments 

The foremost goal of creating an app for medical doctor appointments is to provide efficient hospital treatment and eliminate waiting time. Using a reliable medical service app, patients can also quickly schedule an appointment with the experts of their choice. 

Patients and customers are looking for honest healthcare services. Thus, if you intend to go into the competition to create a professional on-demand healthcare service app with the help of the doctor appointment mobile app development company, include the below-given features in the app. 

Also Read:  A Complete Guide on Doctor Appointment App Development

Features of a Doctor Appointment App That You Definitely Need

To be powerful, any medical app needs to have vital health app features that address the primary issues that users have. Comparably, in an effort to meet users’ expectations, an app for medical appointments has to include some special built-in functions. 

  • Login page and User profile
    Develop the person profile and login web page for a mobile app development for medical doctors. Users should be capable of uploading their information in this web page. You can also request that the person submit basic health information, along with height, weight, and specifics like diabetes or high or low blood pressure, in addition to information about common ailments.

  • Online and Offline Appointment Scheduling
    The core capability of any health practitioner appointment management app needs to be easy, with effective online and offline reservation features. An absolutely working calendar and the status of appointments have to be covered. Online platforms for scheduling appointments are said to promote patients to hold their appointments by 72% of patients and 60% of healthcare professionals.

  • Doctor Profile
    It needs to be viable to get admission to a doctor module in particular for developing and updating profiles. Patient testimonials, the doctor’s specialty, location, photo, and the value of an appointment under various different insurance policies should be accessible.

  • Patient profiles
    If a doctor is ready to look at a patient for the first time, they have to be able to acquaint themselves with the patient’s case records by looking through the affected person profiles at the medical doctor app. Such apps could actually gain from relative file uploading and scanning functions.

  • Online Prescription Function
    Using the doctor’s appointment app, doctors can also write prescriptions online. Doctors and patients can at once manage prescriptions through the software. Nonetheless, when a prescription is sent digitally, it fosters the patient’s trust in the doctor. They then have two options for purchasing the medications: They are able to buy online or go to the Pharmacy with a digital prescription.

  • Authorization
    When users must enter the least amount of data and receive the greatest benefit right away, registration and sign-in become thrilling. Use two-factor authentication along with FaceID/TouchID.

  • Accept or Reject Appointments
    Doctors can have access to their complete schedule and can pick which appointments to accept or decline. In order to provide higher service, the doctor booking app development service provider makes sure the health practitioner can choose appointments at their convenience.

  • Admin Panel
    An online medical appointment system should offer an admin panel for tracking physician and patients profiles. The app must include a notice module in case any modifications to a person’s profile is needed.

  • Tracking
    Monitoring the affected person’s critical signs and symptoms is the vital factor of any medical doctor’s mobile app creation. It must have facts on blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, pulse, caloric intake, and other different things.

  • Geographical location
    A medical app has to contain geo-location as an essential function. Every doctor app builder would know about its importance, because it makes it less complicated for patients to take the shortest viable route to reach the hospital. In conditions in which there’s a threat to life, the task to reach the hospital will be made less complicated with an integrated map.

    Read More: Benefits of Doctor Appointment Booking App Development

  • Filter feature
    There are too many doctors working towards their diverse specializations. The potential to select the right medical doctor at a certain point is, therefore, a need for programs that schedule appointments. Selecting a health practitioner from the available possibilities is difficult. Therefore, this option has to be included in the app and should suggest certified medical doctors without any problem.

  • Notices and Reminders
    Your medical scheduling software program need to offer absolutely working push notifications and e-mail reminders for appointments so that no person forgets them.

  • Easy Payment
    Another essential thing of developing software program for the healthcare industry is payment. In order to make certain that the user has a seamless online payment experience, the app needs to be incorporated with all required payment alternatives. To prevent the leakage of patient informantion, steady and safety features need to be included.

  • Taking Care of Emergency Cases
    Nobody can count on a medical emergency, which would possibly show up at any time. There has to be a devoted option within the On-Demand Doctor App for managing emergency situations. It might be useful if the app contains features that allow users to instantly contact an ambulance by way of genuinely tapping their smartphone screen.

  • Reviews, Ratings, and Photos
    It is also essential that you possess and incorporate the reviews and rates from doctors. The majority of people increasingly choose their doctors based on ratings and reviews of their practices. The profile gains value with adding photos of the clinical and the doctor. 

  • Channels of communique
    A mobile app for on-call for medical appointments should feature smart and strong communique. A reliable doctor appointment app development service provider can build a transparent interactive channels that facilitate communication among doctors and patients.

  • Integrated Camera
    Expanding the communication requirements’ peripherals is possible with the help of the in-app digital camera. The value of in-person contact is recognized by professionals at mobile app development firms for medical appointments. Users can speak in actual time with the medical doctors.

  • Real-time Analysis
    This is an essential characteristic of the executive panel. The app’s real-time facts and records can be shown to the consumer through graphs, charts, and tables. Visual charts can significantly help in identifying essential health information and are much less complicated than multiple pages of information and figures.

  • Medical recommendation
    Patients may be much more likely to believe your app if medicine recommendation feature is enabled. As a result, patients will be able to view the treatment’s advancement and then take a look at the results that their doctors have uploaded.

  • Report Generation
    Verifying the app’s daily activities is important. When growing an app for physician appointments, the file advent features are important. The document is essential for information in which you might need to make adjustments to the app now or in the near future.

  • Health Reports Submission
    Patients can, without any problems, put up their treatment histories and medical reports through the app, making sure accessibility for future reference and streamlined healthcare control.

  • Room for Waiting
    For enhancing operational performance, the app can include waiting room function. This aspect facilitates powerful OPD queue control by way of automatically sequencing patients and notifying the following person in line. This proactive method optimizes affected person flow and contributes to a smoother healthcare experience for all concerned.

Want to Launch Your Own Doctor Appointment App?

Advantages of Developing Medical Appointment Apps

Here are some benefits that developing a mobile app with best doctor appointment mobile app development company can provide for both Doctors and patients:

Doctors Benefits

  • Online Appearance
  • Self-promotion
  • Improve patient base
  • 24/7 service to patients
  • Work remotely

Patients Benefits

  • No need to wait in a queue to see a medical doctor
  • Connect to the doctor with one tap on the app
  • Cost-saving & time-efficient
  • Fast service with updated information about health

Also Read:  How Much Does It Cost to Build a Doctor Appointment Booking App?

Development Process for a Mobile App for Doctor Appointments

It is essential to thoroughly examine each and every characteristic to create a complete on demand doctor appointment app development. After your app has completed the steps listed below, publish it on the market: 

  • Plan
    A successful product is mainly dependent on a sound plan. Work to validate your app concept by getting to know your goal marketplace, its inclinations, the size and segmentation of the market, and the opportunity for scaling. Then, create a robust prototype. Prior to releasing a fully practical, complete product onto the marketplace, focus on growing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to understand client reaction.

  • Analysis
    To execute your idea effectively, you need a successful team of business analysts that can create entire wireframes, use case diagrams, collection diagrams, SOWs, SRS, and other vital files.

  • Design
    Making people stay with your app, in most cases, depends on its layout. Focus on your app’s important capabilities and make an effort to provide a fulfilling user experience. To increase its lifespan on the consumer’s hands, make certain your software program is likewise easy to use.

  • Development
    Please make sure that you are aware of any app guidelines before proceeding with the programming and coding of your app. Before selecting a doctor app builder to work on your task, make sure you have a close look at their portfolio. Establish a deadline in your mission and sign a non-disclosure settlement.

  • Quality Assurance
    Your product must be completely freed from mistakes and malfunctions so that it can be successful. Guarantee efficiency, conduct thorough unit, integration, speed, load, and security checking out.

  • Launch
    It is important that you get ready for your product’s launch. To spark users’ interest, you need to enlist the proper advertising staff. To improve your app and encourage more users to download it, do not forget to include app analytics.

    The creation of a doctor appointment app includes just six clean steps. When it comes to offering these solutions and ensuring that you receive the finest outcomes when using a healthcare app development service, the specialists have honed their skills over the years.

Ready to Build Your Own Doctor Booking App?

Wrapping it up 

Be careful if you are hoping to work with a reputable mobile app development for medical appointments. Hire a mobile app development service provider that can help you in growing your company if you are eager to introduce this type of services in the market.

So, where can you look for the best doctor appointment mobile app development company? At Comfygen, we take exceptional care to ensure that your orders are delivered on schedule. Using our experience and industry know-how, we make sure that the product you get aligns with your business goals and target audience. Contact Comfygen, if you need to discuss about developing doctor appointment app.


What is a Doctor appointment app?

Patients can simply schedule online appointments with doctors through an app system, at the comfort of their home. Also, the doctors can decide their availability as per the number of patients booking on a particular day.

What is the reach of an online Doctor booking app?

Online doctor booking apps aim to increase patient access to healthcare. For people who live in rural locations or have limited mobility, online appointments can improve their access to healthcare. 

What would be the exact cost of developing a Doctor appointment app?

A number of factors have an effect on the correct cost of creating the app for doctors appointments. Platform, technology, place, capabilities, hire mobile app developer you choose, and so on are all included. For that reason, adding capabilities will increase the cost, while reducing ones will lower it. 

What is the anticipated duration needed to create an app for Doctor appointments?

The amount of time required to build an app for doctor appointments is, to begin with, not possible to determine. The time duration will be based on various factors and, sometime due to some inconvenience, the project may be rescheduled.